Housetraining Success Kit


Welcome, pet parent!  Are you on the hard road of housetraining and feeling

  • frazzled
  • exhausted
  • like you don’t know where to start
  • or what you’re doing isn’t working

Master the FIVE MAGIC RULES and learn in one day all of the TEN EASY STEPS to housetrain your dog.  There’s a better road to success! My proven method to successful housetraining gives you:

  • A structured daily routine
  • Principles & Timing
  • Housetraining Checklist
  • 5 Magic Rules
  • 10 Steps to Easy Housetraining
  • 3 Steps to Be A Great Teacher
  • 7 Things Your Dog Learns in Housetraining
  • Accidents: What to Do

Whether you’re starting out housetraining a new puppy, training an adult dog new to your home, or you’re rebooting a housetraining effort after some setbacks – this kit will help.

Here’s what you’ll get:
3 Digital Downloads and 6 BONUS Sheets of Professional Secrets & Advice:
1. 25+ page guidebook “The Settled Puppy Method – Housetraining Success Kit”
2. Daily housetraining activity log 
3. Weekly housetraining time tracker sheet
4. AND, 6 Bonus Pages 
of secret insider advice:

  • 17 Indoor Games for Bored Puppies
  • How to Use Bells As a Potty Signal
  • Using a Clicker to Housetrain
  • 25 Reasons Dogs Potty Indoors
  • 6 Top Enzymatic Cleaning Products
  • 7 Natural Cleaning Solutions

Thank you for supporting my work as The Positive Pet Parent!




25 page guide, with step-by-step instructions, daily activity log, weekly potty tracker and 6 BONUS professional secrets


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